How Many Calories Do You Burn Skateboarding?

Any serious skateboarder will tell you it’s no walk in the park…I don’t think that’s a pun either. Competitive skateboarding can be physically demanding and for anyone wondering, we’ve looked at how many calories you might burn in a one-hour session, but first let’s consider how this activity is great for cardiovascular exercise.

With continuous movement, your heart rate will elevate, similar to that of aerobic exercise, like running or cycling. Obviously, this can vary based on the intensity, speed and duration of your session, for example trick skateboarding would be much more efficient at raising heart rates compared to downhill skateboarding, but we can also consider the muscle groups which get a workout as well.

The main muscle groups which benefit from skateboarding are in the legs and core. Your quadriceps in front of your thighs are used for pushing off the ground while your hamstrings at the back of your thighs help stabilise your body and absorb landings. The abdominals and obliques are also used to help stabilise and balance your body while performing tricks while the lower back muscles engage to maintain proper posture. Let’s not also forget the hip flexors and glutes! These are engaged when pushing forward, so the more speed you get, the more these muscle groups will get a workout. No wonder skateboarders look like athletes…they are!

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OK, let’s get to the science bit now then, how many calories do you burn during a one-hour session of intensive skateboarding? We’ve segmented this out by age, weight and gender which shows a matrix table for burned calories, you could do this yourself by looking at the Benedict Harris equation, but we’ve done the boring maths bit for you!

Calories Burned for Men

Weight (kg) 20 years old 30 years old 40 years old
54 204 197 190
68 255 246 237
82 305 295 285
95 356 344 333

Calories Burned for Women

Weight (kg) 20 years old 30 years old 40 years old
45 170 164 158
59 221 213 205
73 272 262 252
86 323 311 300

So, there we go, simply look at your age bracket and weight to find out how many calories on average you will burn while skateboarding for one hour. It’s actually surprising how much you do burn, which is not only great for keeping fit and healthy, but also a good way to build muscle. So if you’re looking to get fit, then maybe consider the benefits of grabbing a skateboard!

Don’t forget to check out our range of skateboards online and as the UK’s biggest skate shop, we’ll have skateboard decks, wheels, trucks, bearings as well as completes. If you sign up to our newsletter, you’ll also be the first to know whenever we have an amazing deal running, so join the SkateHut club today! Wherever you are, SkateHut is with you.