Events Timetable for May
See all the latest UK Skateboarding, Scooter, Skates and BMX events here
Read everything and anything on skateboarding, scooter riding and roller skating, plus loads more.
See all the latest UK Skateboarding, Scooter, Skates and BMX events here
The CORE Open 2023 is set to take place on Saturday 27th May 2023 at Junction4 Skatepark in Darwen, Blackburn. There has been a lot of hype around this event and it is sure to be one of the biggest competitions in Europe whereby the best pro scooter riders from all over the world will gather to compete for the chance to win a share of a whopping £7,000 prize.
With the sun finally coming back out to play, be sure to grab your dryrobe when partaking in some of our favourite vitamin-D fueled ventures.
See all the latest UK skateboarding, Scooter and BMX events here
On Saturday 4th March 2023, Survival of the Sickest took place in Manchester's Graystone action sport centre, where a load of Skaters came down from all over the UK including Miriam Nelson, Olive Newman, Sebastian Lau, Corey Roper and many more.