SkateHut Blog - Skate News and Events
Read everything and anything on skateboarding, scooter riding and roller skating, plus loads more.

SkateHut - Birmingham Children's Hospital's Corporate Supporter of the Year
We’re incredibly proud to announce that Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity have named us as their 2020 Corporate Supporter of the Year! We collected the award (virtually!) at their annual 100 Heroes event on Sunday 17th May. Over the past few years, we have been able to raise over £35,000 through running marathons, hosting comedy nights and gigs, sponsored hair shaves, baking and our SkateHut Wheel of Fortune in our Halesowen Shop!
Father’s Day 2020 - Gift Inspo
Father’s Day is just around the corner and we've got you covered with a massive gift range that will make many a dad happy!
Monster Deals – Top Halloween Offers 2019
Welcome to Halloween at SkateHut! October is the time of year when scarily good deals descent upon the store like leaves falling from a tree!