
Birdhouse Skateboards & Skate Parts

Birdhouse skateboards are crafted with the pro skateboarder in mind, ensuring that every rider gets an unmatched level of performance. Built from high-quality 7-ply maple, these skateboards boast exceptional strength, durability and pop, allowing you to push the limits of your tricks and stunts. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, Birdhouse provide the stability and control in their skateboards for you to master the streets and parks.

With a wide range of eye-catching designs and graphics, Birdhouse skateboard decks are as visually stunning as they are functional. Stand out and express yourself with awesome deck art that represents your individuality and passion for skateboarding.

  • Are Birdhouse Skateboards Good?

    Absolutely! Birdhouse skateboards are renowned for their exceptional quality and performance, making them a popular choice for skateboard pros. With a long and established history in the skateboarding industry and a team of professional riders, Birdhouse consistently delivers the best skateboards.

    Birdhouse's commitment to innovation and design is evident in their skateboard graphics, which often feature vibrant and eye-catching artwork such as the Sloan Reaper or the Hawk Birdman. Birdhouse are highly resepected in the skateboarding community for their exceptional quality, durability, versatility, and stylish designs. Choosing a Birdhouse skateboard is a solid investment for anyone seeking a reliable and high-performing skateboard.

  • Who Owns Birdhouse Skateboards?

    Birdhouse Skateboards is owned by professional skateboarder Tony Hawk. Tony Hawk co-founded Birdhouse Skateboards in 1992 along with Per Welinder. The brand has become well-known in the skateboarding community and has released numerous skateboard decks, apparel, and accessories over the years.